Dear friends,
with today’s story we are diving into a reality as recent as fantastic, a magical world shaped alongside the real world: I’m talking about Karman.
Karman is a company that operates in the field of indoor and outdoor lighting. But let’s get to know together the origins of this reality.
Karman was founded in 2005 in Fossombrone, in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, on the intuition of the entrepreneur Davide Diamantini. Right from the start it stands out thanks to its fantastic creations, different from everything else on the market and never banal. Let’s say that it would be almost unthinkable to be able to think like Karman’s designers, but evidently this comes easy to them.
In addition to the uniqueness of the creations, the company immediately developed a strong and attractive communication and marketing, which allows it to differentiate itself from all other lighting brands on the market.
One of the central points is always the Made in Italy, and this attachment allows Karman to be recognized as an excellence of Italian design worldwide.
The lamps they make, in addition to their clear main purpose, always have a decorative purpose and fit into environments telling users stories that are always different, and always magical.
Karman combines three key points in its achievements: the desire to break the mold, creating products that can be differentiated from the masses, the use of materials always of the highest quality, to ensure an excellent result in each product, and technical mastery in the realization of objects. This perfect mix has brought Karman to a well-deserved success.
Corrado Lamp Cell Lamps
The brand does not stop at home use, but is suitable for environments such as restaurants, hotels and the like, to which it can provide an absolutely out of the ordinary look.
Many of the brand’s creations are part of a zoological journey, inspired precisely by animals, an essential source for its creations.
Among its most iconic products we can mention: Ceraunavolta, Cell, Cubano, Moby Dick, Ululì – UlulĂ and Wow!
Over the course of its history, although quite short for the moment, Karman has already collaborated with many world-renowned designers, including: Matteo Ugolini, Paola Navone, Stefano Bizzarri & Claudio Cinti, Edmondo Testaguzza and many others.
Karman’s motto is “Be Yourself”. About this Davide Diamantini, founder of Karman, said: “Be Yourself will embrace all our future marketing activity and will be present on digital, print, out-of-home. Being Yourself is getting harder and harder. It takes courage to be imperfect, original, unique. There will always be someone who will criticize you. Whoever buys a Karman lamp challenges stereotypes, defends their own identity.”

In addition to the brand itself, the idea of storytelling is thought out and studied in every single project. Each environment created is made in such a way that anyone who is in a place, can grasp in a few moments the essence of that space and the story it wants to tell.