Hotel 21 Grand Suite by Javier Mariscal

Hotel 21 Grand Suite by Javier Mariscal

Chair designed by Javier Mariscal in 1995 and produced by Moroso.

It is a very soft and colorful armchair, out of the box and with an accentuated artistic touch.

The seat is an eccentric and peculiar combination of colors and shapes. We know that Javier MAriscal loves to surprise and we also know that he is very skilled at creating emotion and impact with his creations. At the same time, he finds fertile ground in the proposal to Moroso, since the brand certainly does not limit itself to sober and minimal productions. And this is how another collaboration between the two was born, an object where bright colors predominate and define the perhaps, sometimes rounded, sometimes linear. Art and design come together to create a unique object.

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